Merco Talent Spain 2024
Grupo Social Once, Inditex and Ikea are the three most ESG-responsible companies in Spain
On January 21, the presentation of the 14th edition of the Merco ESG Spain ranking took place, which recognizes which companies are the most environmentally, socially and governance responsible. The event was chaired by Jesús Álvarez, manager of Merco Companies, Leaders and Responsability ESG Spain.
Keep on readingMerco incorporates Rodrigo Abad as senior advisor of the Health Reputation Monitor (MRS)
Rodrigo has more than 15 years of experience in management and communication in companies in the health sector.
Keep on readingPfizer, Novartis and AstraZeneca are once again the three pharmaceutical companies with the best reputation in Spain in 2024
This Tuesday, December 3, the presentation of the second part of the Health Reputation Monitor (MRS) 2024 took place, dedicated to the pharmaceutical companies with the best reputation.
Keep on readingPresentation of the 10th Edition of the Health Reputation Monitor
Hospital Universitario La Paz, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón and Hospital Clínic Barcelona are the three public hospitals with the best reputation in Spain in 2024. On the private hospital side, the ranking is headed by Clínica Universidad de Navarra, Hospital Universitario QuirónSalud Madrid and Hospital Universitario Sanitas La Zarzuela
Keep on readingHow global satisfaction and ENPS of workers in Spain has evolved
Thanks to the Merco Talento ranking, we have the necessary tools to carry out an evolutionary analysis of the overall satisfaction of workers in Spain. In this study, many variables are measured and one of them reflects, from 0 to 10, the state of satisfaction, as well as its evolution.
Keep on readingThe companies with the best communications team in Spain according to Merco Companies 2024
Whoever does not communicate, does not exist. It is one of the objectives by which every company must be governed in its mission to reach its target audience. An excellent service or a magnificent product can be unknown if a good communication strategy is not exercised. They must be transparent companies, with clear messages and information, and with a discourse that enhances their image to the public.
Keep on readingInditex and Juan Roig (Mercadona) are the company and manager with the best reputation in Spain in 2024
Merco, a reference monitor for its ethical commitments and methodology, has presented this Thursday, July 4, the 200 companies and the 100 leaders with the best reputation of 2024. These rankings are the result of an exhaustive and detailed analysis of more than 63,435 surveys, 7 evaluations and 28 sources of information.
Keep on readingPremios Merco (MRS) - Observatorio de la Salud 2024 al liderazgo reputacional
Los Premios al Liderazgo Reputacional MERCO-OdS son convocados anualmente por MERCO, el Monitor de Responsabilidad Sanitaria de referencia en España y Latinoamérica, y la consultora especializada en el sector sanitario, Observatorio de Salud (OdS), con el fin de reconocer y promocionar el liderazgo reputacional de organismos, centros hospitalarios y especialistas sanitarios en nuestro país.
Keep on readingUniversity students choose Apple, Google and Inditex as the best companies to work in Spain in 2023/24
This Thursday, May 9th, Merco and Recruiting Erasmus have announced the results of Merco University Talent Spain 2023/24, whose ranking, in this 7th edition, gives way to a classification that groups the 200 best companies to work for in 2023-2024 according to the assessment of university students and higher vocational training students.
Keep on reading¿Por qué es importante el talento para las empresas farmacéuticas?
Las empresas farmacéuticas deben ser evaluadas en su dimensión reputacional de una manera diferenciada con respecto al resto de compañías, ya que es un sector con unas características y una regulación muy concreta. Pero la reputación es un intangible que se debe medir atendiendo a múltiples variables, entre las que se incluye su capacidad de atraer y fidelizar talento en sus equipos.
Keep on readingLos mejores equipos de RRHH según el ranking de Merco Talento España 2023
En la presentación de la 18ª edición de Merco Talento España, que tuvo lugar el pasado 15 de marzo, además de dar a conocer las mejores empresas en atraer y fidelizar talento, Merco también presentó el ranking de los mejores equipos de Recursos Humanos.
Keep on readingFortalezas, debilidades y evolución de los principales sectores según Merco Talento 2023
Entender la situación y evolución de los distintos sectores que conforman el tejido industrial español, supone poder identificar oportunidades de crecimiento y superar los desafíos del presente y del futuro.
Keep on readingInditex, Iberdrola and Repsol lead the ranking of the best companies to attract and retain talent in Spain in 2023
This Friday, March 15, the presentation of the results of Merco Talento Spain 2023 took place at an event in Madrid, in which the best companies for attracting and retaining talent in Spain 2023 were announced.
Keep on readingThe 100 most responsible companies in terms of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) in Spain in 2023
This Wednesday, January 23, Merco announced in an online webinar the 100 most responsible companies in terms of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) in Spain in 2023.
Keep on readingThe Hospitals and Clinical Services with the best reputation in Spain during 2023
This Wednesday the presentation of the results of the Hospitals and Clinical Services with the best reputation in Spain in 2023 took place according to the Health Reputation Monitor (MRS).
Keep on readingPresentation of the pharmaceutical companies with the best reputation in 2023 (MRS 2023 1st part)
In the top 3 of the 9th edition of the Health Reputation Monitor, Pfizer (1st) and Novartis (2nd) repeat as the pharmaceutical companies with the best reputation in Spain for the third consecutive edition, and AstraZeneca enters (3rd). Continuing in the top 10: Janssen (4th), GlaxoSmithKline – GSK (5th), Lilly (6th), Sanofi (7th), Roche (8th), Bayer (9th) and Boehringer Ingelheim (10th).
Keep on readingInditex, Mercadona, Grupo Social Once, Repsol and Mapfre are the companies with the best reputation in Spain in 2023
Merco, a reference monitor for its ethical commitments and its methodology, has presented this Wednesday, June 28, the 100 companies and the 100 leaders with the best reputation of 2023. These rankings are the result of an exhaustive and detailed analysis of more than 53,781 surveys, 7 evaluations and 26 sources of information.
Keep on readingSpanish university students choose Apple, Amazon and Google as the best companies to work for in Spain in 2022-23
This Wednesday, June 21, Merco and Recruiting Erasmus have announced the results of the 6th Edition of Merco University Talent, which includes the 200 best companies to work for in 2022-2023 according to the assessment of university students.
Keep on readingInditex, Iberdrola and Coca-Cola lead the ranking of companies with the greatest capacity to attract and retain talent in Spain in 2022
This Thursday, March 2, the results of Merco Talent Spain 2022 were presented at an event in Madrid, which correctly disclose the companies with the greatest capacity to attract and retain talent over the last year.
Keep on readingThe 100 most responsible companies in ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) terms in Spain in 2022
Merco has announced in an online webinar the 100 most responsible companies in ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) terms in Spain in 2022. Through this monitor, Merco offers a holistic measurement of business sustainability, incorporating corporate performance into stakeholder assessment. “Sustainability is no longer an option, it is a corporate obligation. We can differentiate in companies three levels of addressing ESG: the first, complying with the regulations; the second, betting on it to create differentiation and certain value; the third, to integrate sustainability into the business model. And in this last scenario are the leading organizations: those that promote and transform the company by being careful with the Environment, Responsible with People (employees, clients, society) and ethical in Corporate Governance”, explained José María San Segundo, CEO of Merco.
Keep on readingPresentation of MRS 2022 results (2nd part) - Pharmaceutical Companies
The health emergency caused by COVID in 2020 was a real challenge for the health system as a whole, including companies in the pharmaceutical sector, which faced the challenges of the pandemic in what has been one of the greatest research challenges in the history.
Keep on readingThe Hospitals and Clinical Services with the best reputation in Spain in 2022
This Tuesday the 18th the presentation of the results of the Hospitals and Clinical Services with the best reputation in Spain in 2022 according to the Health Reputation Monitor (MRS) took place.
Keep on readingMercadona and Juan Roig are the company and leader with the best reputation in Spain in 2022
Merco, a reference monitor for its methodology, presented this Wednesday, July 6, in an online event the 100 companies and the 100 leaders with the best reputation in Spain in 2022. These rankings were created after an exhaustive and detailed analysis of more than 46,368 surveys, 7 evaluations and 25 sources of information.
Keep on readingSpanish university students choose Amazon, Google and Mercadona as the best companies to work for in Spain in 2021/22
In the 5th Edition of Merco Talento Universitario, which includes the 100 best companies to work for in 2021-2022 according to the assessment of university students, Amazon (1st), Google (2nd) and Mercadona (3rd) have won the top three positions of the top ten, completed by the following companies: Apple (4th), Inditex (5th), Netflix (6th), Santander (7th), Coca-Cola (8th), Microsoft (9th) and BBVA (10th).
Keep on readingGrupo Social Once, Mercadona and Inditex are the three most responsible companies in Spain under ESG criteria
Merco announces the 100 most responsible companies in terms of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) in Spain in 2021. After more than ten editions analyzing the Responsibility and Corporate Governance of companies, Merco has made a leap in this indicator towards a more holistic measurement of business sustainability, which has resulted in the new Merco Responsibility ESG.
Keep on readingInditex, Mercadona and Coca-Cola are the companies with the greatest capacity to attract and retain talent in Spain in 2021
This Thursday the results of the 16th Edition of Merco Talento Spain were presented, revealing which were the 100 companies with the greatest capacity to attract and retain talent in the country in 2021.
Keep on readingJusto Villafañe Gallego dies, a leading authority on corporate reputation in Spain and Latin America, and an essential part of Merco
Presentation of results of Merco Companies and Leaders Spain 2021
Merco, the benchmark monitor in Ibero-America for its methodology, presented the 100 companies and the 100 leaders with the best reputation in 2021 this Wednesday, September 8, at an online event. These rankings are born after an exhaustive and detailed analysis of more than 47,235 surveys, 7 evaluations and 25 sources of information; verified through an independent review by KPMG, in accordance with the ISAE 3000 standard.
Keep on readingPresentation of the Report "20 years of CSR / Sustainability in Spanish companies: evolution and trends" EN
Merco (the first Corporate Reputation Business Monitor) and DIRSE (Spanish Association of Social Responsibility Executives) have teamed up to study the evolution of the variables related to CSR / S that are present in the different Merco monitors in recent years. 20 years, with the aim of having an overview of how their weight has varied according to the different audiences surveyed. The result could be seen, on June 28, in the online event for the presentation of the 'Report 20 years of CSR / Sustainability in Spanish companies: evolution and trends', whose presentation was made by José María San Segundo, CEO of Merco , together with Alberto Andreu, president of DIRSE.
Keep on readingMerco and Másfamilia Foundation present the study "The impact of the work-life balance on the employer brand" EN
The work-life balance management continues to be a lever for improvement and constitutes a global value in the company. This is one of the main conclusions drawn by the recent study carried out by Merco, in collaboration with Másfamilia Foundation, presented together with Capital Humano, Campofrío and Cepsa.
Keep on readingMerco University Talent Spain 2020
This Monday, June 21, Merco and Recruiting Erasmus have released the results of the 4th Edition of Merco University Talent Spain, which includes the 100 most attractive companies to work for, according to the assessment of university students.
Keep on readingPfizer, Novartis and Janssen, the pharmaceutical companies with the best reputation in Spain in the year of the pandemic
This Wednesday, June 2, the ranking of the pharmaceutical companies with the best reputation in Spain in 2020 was presented at an online event. The pandemic has increased the social and media relevance of the health sector as a whole, including pharmaceutical companies, some of them manufacturers of the vaccines that protect against COVID-19. After conducting 6,733 surveys of health professionals at all levels and areas, managers, journalists specialized in health or representatives of public administrations, the Health Reputation Monitor places on the podium of its ranking of pharmaceutical companies with the best reputation in Spain Pfizer, Novartis and Janssen. The top 10 of the most reputable pharmaceutical companies are completed by Astrazeneca, Sanofi, GSK, Roche, Bayer, Lilly and MSD.
Keep on readingThe best reputable hospitals and clinical services in Spain in 2020
This Wednesday, May 26, the results of the Health Reputation Monitor (MRS) were presented. An independent, comprehensive and rigorous evaluation of one of the best health systems in the world: the Spanish health system.
Keep on readingChallenges of the new post-pandemic labor relations: attraction and retention of talent, telecommuting and redefining the corporate culture
On the occasion of the presentation of the 15th Edition of Merco Talento España, in which Inditex (1st), Mercadona (2nd) and Repsol (3rd) have become the companies with the greatest capacity to attract and retain talent in the country in 2020 , Merco wanted to organize this Wednesday, April 7, a discussion table on “The Future of Talent”, which had the participation of José Manuel Casado, Managing Partner of 2C Consulting, in charge of moderating the talk; Rosa García, director of several companies with extensive experience; and María José Sobrinos, director of HR at Accenture. As main conclusions, the importance of finding resources that allow the attraction and retention of talent, the search for a hybrid model between teleworking and the face-to-face model and the redefinition of the business culture, were presented as the main challenges in the post- pandemic. But many other interesting messages were launched that are worth remembering.
Keep on readingPresentation of the results of the 15th edition of Merco Talent Spain
This Wednesday the results of the 15th Edition of Merco Talent Spain were announced, which includes the 100 companies with the greatest capacity to attract and retain talent in the country over the last year.
This fifteenth edition of the ranking is led by Inditex, Mercadona and Repsol, followed by Iberdrola (4th), Telefónica (5th), Coca Cola (6th), Nestlé (7th), Ikea (8th), Mapfre (9th) and Santander (10th).
Keep on readingMerco Responsibility and Corporate Governance Ranking 2020
On January 12, the presentation of the 100 most responsible companies with the best corporate governance in Spain in 2020, a year marked by the pandemic, took place through an online event. In addition, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary, the 20 companies with the best responsibility and corporate governance in the last decade have also been announced.
Keep on readingDecalogue of learning about the reputational behavior of companies during the pandemic
Reputation does not go into pandemic
The crisis we are facing as a result of the pandemic caused by Covid-19 has decisively and unexpectedly affected the different social subjects. In the area of reputation management, it is convenient to distinguish two types of crises: individual crises, which are those in which a company makes a mistake or has a problem and needs to have a strategy for responding to and recovering its reputation; and general or collective crises, in which the problems do not come from the company but from society, which is affected by economic, political or health impacts, such as a pandemic.
Keep on readingStatements by the representatives of the five best companies of Merco Companies and Leaders España 2020
On October 8, the Merco Companies and Leaders 2020 ranking was presented, in which it was announced which are the companies and executives with the greatest reputation in Spain today.
Keep on readingMerco Companies and Leaders 2020
This Thursday, October 8, Merco has announced in an online event together with ESIC the 100 companies and the 100 leaders with the best reputation of 2020. These rankings are born after an exhaustive and detailed analysis of more than 44,505 surveys, 6 evaluations and 24 sources of information; verified through independent review by KPMG, in accordance with the ISAE 3000 standard.
Keep on readingMerco presents the ranking of Companies with the greatest commitment / social responsibility during the pandemic
In the midst of the health emergency situation that we are experiencing as a result of the crisis caused by Covid-19, Merco, a benchmark Business Monitor of Corporate Reputation in the economic, financial and social sphere, has prepared an exceptional ranking in which a total of 2,017 citizens and 257 experts have evaluated the performance of large companies operating in Spain in relation to their commitment and social responsibility during the pandemic.
Keep on readingSpanish university students choose Google, Inditex and Mercadona as the most attractive companies to work in 2019
Merco, PeopleMatters and Recruiting Erasmus have released the results of the 3rd Edition of Merco University Talent in Spain, which includes the 100 most attractive companies to work for, according to university students.
Keep on readingSpecial recognition to Virgen del Rocio for being among the 10 hospitals with the best reputation in Spain in 2019 according to the Sanitary Reputation Monitor (SRM)
Mr. Manuel Molina, Managing Director of the Virgen del Rocío University Hospital, Mr. José María San Segundo, Managing Director and General Director of the Health Reputation Monitor and Mr. Luís Martínez, Deputy Managing Director of the Virgen del Rocío University Hospital, presided over the delivery of the awards that took place on February 13 in Seville.
Keep on readingGrupo Social Once, Mercadona and Inditex repeat as the most responsible companies with the best corporate governance in Spain
Grupo Social Once, leads for the fifth consecutive year the ranking of Most Responsible Companies with the best Corporate Governance. Among the 10 most responsible companies with the best corporate governance, 8 of them are Spanish.
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