Merco incorporates Rodrigo Abad as senior advisor of the Health Reputation Monitor (MRS)
Rodrigo has more than 15 years of experience in management and communication in companies in the health sector.
Merco Health, which for 10 years has been evaluating the reputation of the main players in the Spanish healthcare sector (hospitals, services, pharmaceutical companies...) through its Healthcare Reputation Monitor (MRS), has incorporated Rodrigo Abad to its team as senior advisor.
Rodrigo Abad in the last 20 years has participated in the development of corporate communication strategies for several organizations in different sectors, such as health, energy, financial and food and beverage, covering the development of communication objectives, target audiences, action plan, budget and KPI plan.
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Nota de prensa nombramiento de Rodrigo Abad (MRS) (PDF, 94Kb)