Merco Responsibility and Corporate Governance Ranking 2020
On January 12, the presentation of the 100 most responsible companies with the best corporate governance in Spain in 2020, a year marked by the pandemic, took place through an online event. In addition, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary, the 20 companies with the best responsibility and corporate governance in the last decade have also been announced.
This ranking was born after an exhaustive and detailed analysis of 10,082 surveys, 5 evaluations and 12 sources of information. The evaluation follows the standards and codes of ESOMAR and more than 50 management indicators of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of the companies are evaluated.
Merco has had the participation of 1,141 executives of large companies, 84 CSR experts, 82 economic information journalists, 32 government members, 72 financial analysts, 63 social media managers, 88 heads of NGOs, 71 of trade unions and 79 heads of consumer associations, as well as 8,300 citizens (Merco Consumo). Together with these evaluations, the reality of these is considered through an analysis of objective indicators by 70 companies and this year as a novelty, the ranking of the most responsible companies during the pandemic is included.
The Most Responsible Companies with the best Corporate Governance
In 2020, the 3 most responsible companies with the best corporate governance in Spain are Inditex, which rises from third place; Mercadona, which remains in the second, and Grupo Social Once. The top ten were completed by Caixabank (4th), Iberdrola (5th), Telefónica (6th), Mapfre (7th), Ikea (8th), Repsol (9th) and Santander (10th).
Main findings of the 10th edition
In the current crisis caused by Covid, employees value the social contribution of their companies with an 8.71.
And with respect to 2019, the audiences that 'clearly improve' in the evolution of their average evaluations are the NGOs, trade unions and journalists of economic information; while the assessment of Social Media Managers, Government members, CSR experts and consumer associations ‘improve something’. On the other hand, those of financial analysts worsen.
The companies with the best responsibility and corporate governance during the pandemic
If we focus on the performance of companies during the pandemic caused by Covid, we find that there is an average improvement of 5 positions of these companies with respect to the general ranking of the responsibility and corporate governance 2020. Said ranking is led by Inditex (1st), Mercadona ( 2nd), Seat (3rd), Santander (4th), Iberdrola (5th), El Corte Inglés (6th), Caixabank (7th), Grupo Social Once (8th), Naturgy (9th) and Telefónica (10th).
Special recognition: Ranking 10 years of evaluation of Responsibility and Corporate Governance
On the occasion of this 10th edition, this time we wanted to honor the 20 most responsible companies with the best corporate governance in the 10 years of Merco Responsibility and Corporate Governance evaluation with an accumulated ranking led by Mercadona (1st), Inditex (2nd) and Caixabank (3rd).
See Merco Responsibility and Corporate Governance Spain 2020 ranking
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Nota de prensa Merco Responsabilidad y Gobierno Corporativo España 2020 (PDF, 554Kb)