Transparency, independence and rigor of Merco
10 differential values
1 What's Merco?
Merco is the corporate monitor reference in Latin America and Spain that value the reputation of companies since 2000.
2 Who is behind Merco?
This monitor has endorsement and rigor of a market research company called Análisis e Investigación (Professional Society).
3 How much it costs to participe?
It is an opened and free monitor where the participation depends on the recognition achieved.
4 What does it value?
A global evaluation that includes the perception, the valuation of more than 20 information sources and the reality of reputational merits.
5 Which guarantees does the process have?
The study and the ranking are done by Análisis e Investigación, based in ISO 20252 and also following the code ICC/ESOMAR.
6 What external controls are there?
The only reputation monitor verified in the world. KPMG makes this verification.
7 Is the methodology totally transparent?
The methodology of Merco Companies is public and accessible on the web
8 What income does Merco have?
The monitor is financed by selling confidential reports. The number of reports sold determines the profit or loss.
9 What is the content of the reports?
The reports pick and analyses comparatively the valuations of the different stakeholders in order to make a global reputation diagnosis of each company.
10 Is the monitor an instrument for others purposes?
Merco does not offer consulting services, which is a fundamental guarantee of its independence.